Even a stopped clock....

Sunday, March 29, 2009


'enlightening' conversation i had recently with 'a random stranger':

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit?
You: hi
You: what language is that?
Stranger: Proin suscipit urna in lectus. Etiam malesuada lobortis quam. Nunc dolor!
You: you speak english?
Stranger: I do now.
You: looks a bit like latin
Stranger: Perhaps, my good chum.
You: quo vadis
You: your english is good!
Stranger: Thank you, my good chum.
You: so, how are you today?
Stranger: I have always been.
Stranger: Very good.
You: always?
Stranger: And yourself, my good chum?
You: i'm good, thanks
Stranger: I have existed before time began.
You: :D
You: are you God?
Stranger: Possible. I do have compassion for all living things.
You: respect!
Stranger: My good chum.
You: yes?
Stranger: What would you like to know?
You: so, what country do you live in?
Stranger: I do not live in any country, for I do not live on the planet Earth.
You: *intrigued*
Stranger: You must spread to your brethren that they are destroying their home.
You: are you, perchance, an inhabitant of Phobos or Deimos?
Stranger: No.
You: i think it will take Obama to spread that message, my good chum
Stranger: Yes, I saw.
Stranger: He'll be doing a pretty good job.
You: Yes we can
Stranger: When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.
You: hmm... so if you do things wrong, people will know you've done something?
Stranger: Yes.
You: i think i see what you're saying here...
You: but he who does great deeds, has no need for praise?
Stranger: You have to use a light touch.
Stranger: Like a pick-pocket.
You: so, one must use use one's powers wisely...
Stranger: Yes.
Stranger: Like in my case.
You: with great power comes great responsibility
Stranger: People pray to me all the time. But there's so many demands, after a while you just tune it out.
You: are you Vishnu?
Stranger: If you grant them too much, they become dependant, and if too little, they lose faith.
Stranger: Like I said, you have to use a light touch.
Stranger: Possible. Every religion has its own way to me.
You: so you are not God, you are enlightenment?
Stranger: It's possible.
Stranger: I gave you freedom of choice, of beliefs.
You: do you know David Icke?
Stranger: I come in many forms because I gave you this ability, because I know not everyone is alike.
You: so you are 'energy'?
You: you can neither be created or destroyed
You: you have always existed
Stranger: It's possible. Energy itself cannot be created or destroyed.
Stranger: Your race has been able to define this through the law of Conservation Mass.
You: the human race
Stranger: Yes.
Stranger: Your race draws lines between each other based on beliefs.
You: and you are not of the human race?
Stranger: No.
You: true, we do
Stranger: But I come in certain human forms, to spread enlightenment throughout.
You: do you also come in animal form?
Stranger: It's possible.
You: could you for instance be in any place on earth at any time, if you so wish?
You: are you omnipresent?
Stranger: Yes.
You: wow
You: that's very impressive
You: so you are everywhere
You: so, you know where i am right now?
Stranger: No.
You: *back in a short while*
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


At Sunday, 12 April, 2009, Blogger PinkPrune said...

I love this.

At Sunday, 03 May, 2009, Blogger Baz said...

thanks :)
not sure if this dude had a 'god complex' (a la alec baldwin), but i really enjoyed our verbal jousting!

At Thursday, 14 May, 2009, Blogger NicelyStupid said...

I can't believe you find people like these on the internet


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